My name is Megan Mollett. My parents are Nathan and Marcy Mollett. I am a senior at Mulberry Grove ... Learn More

Megan Mollett
About Me
My name is Megan Mollett. My parents are Nathan and Marcy Mollett. I am a senior at Mulberry Grove High School. I am the vice president of my FFA chapter and the president of my 4-H club. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends as well as showing cattle. I have been showing cattle for six years. I plan to attend LakeLand College in the fall to pursue a degree in Agriculture Production and Management. I applied for CEO to help build my communication skills as well as to learn about all the resources we have in our community.
About My Business
My business is Megan's Mobile Meats. I sell farm-raised beef and deliver it to people in the local Bond County area. Ditch the deli and "meat" me instead!

Megan Mollett's DISC Profile
• You avoid confrontations, preferring instead to work with others to resolve issues. • You appreciate and like standardized controls and policies to avoid surprises along the way. • You prefer to withhold your decision until you have enough information. • You like to take a more mild-mannered and measured hand in dealing with others. • You like specialized assignments or work. • You can be considered "quiet" in team settings or when in the midst of heated debates
You like democratic not dictatorial relationships on the job. • You work best when you are able to interact with others. • You tend to be generous with your time in helping others. • You present yourself in a poised manner to both small or large groups of people. • You like a flexible environment that allows for creativity. • People may find you charming to meet and to converse with on a variety of topics
• You dislike any personal conflicts or hostility of any kind. • You possess excellent listening skills – some of the best. • You desire a high level of structure and order. • You're not great at letting things go (e.g., original decisions, long held beliefs, etc). • You can be quite resistant to change. • You are very predictable, in a good way. You're always there, ready to pitch in and complete the assignment
You have a strong preference for adhering to established rules, regulations and protocols that have been proven to work. • You are most likely seen as being more resistant to change than others. • You expect high quality control and accuracy in all that you do or with anything you are involved with. • When you present your argument you do so logically not emotionally. • "Rules are made to be followed." • You can be seen as something of a perfectionist by others, especially in what you expect of yourself