Hi there, my name is Aidan Andris! I am the son of Andrea and Nathan Andris. I attend Greenville ... Learn More

Aidan Andris
About Me
Hi there, my name is Aidan Andris! I am the son of Andrea and Nathan Andris. I attend Greenville high school, and I play soccer and tennis through the school. I am 17 years old and I plan to attend college somewhere next year (undecided where i will be attending), and I plan to major in business. I am excited for CEO this year because i think it will really push me out of my comfort zone and push me to be a better version of myself. It will also allow me to expand my horizon and take in everything that is being presented to me through CEO!
About My Business
My business is Chow Down where I offer different flavors of puppy chow (i.e. "muddy buddies"). My flavors include chocolate peanut butter, strawberry, mint chocolate, birthday cake and cookies-n-cream. So come chow down with Chow Down!

Aidan Andris's DISC Profile
You are a calculated risk-taker, but only after you have had sufficient time to consider all potential outcomes. • You prefer a work environment that is not too pressured or filled with constant change. • You can be very modest in dealing with others. • You are usually very supportive of decisions made by others on the team. • Sometimes you demand too much of yourself. • You prefer a culture that allows ample time for analysis of new ideas before implementation takes place
You can be extremely persuasive. • You can at times be too impulsive in making decisions. • You are gregarious and outgoing with most everyone you meet. • You are very optimistic. • You have a very high trust level for others, but this could actually result in you being "burned." • At times, your desire to express your opinion and interact with others may come across as self-promoting by the quieter people you know
You are an excellent team player. • You possess an amazing ability to calm those people who are upset. • You're always willing to help out in a pressure situation, even if you don't really want to. • You desire a high level of structure and order. • Even in the midst of chaos or high tensions, you are usually very cool, calm, and serene (or at least you are perceived as such on the outside). • You prefer an environment that allows for lots of consistency, dependability and structure
You tend to operate somewhat more independently from the established rules and procedures. • "The 'right way' to do things is the way I'm doing them right now." • You view rules more as guidelines that may need to be bent or modified depending on the situation. • You want little, if any, "routine" work. • You can develop a variety of strategies and procedures as situations demand. • You are probably perceived by others as a bit of a rule-bender