As a senior at Greenville High School Ariana is a part of the National Honor Society, dance ... Learn More

Ariana Williams
About Me
As a senior at Greenville High School Ariana is a part of the National Honor Society, dance team, and yearbook; she has a been a part of pep club, student council, and musical. After graduation Ariana wants to further her education at SIU Carbondale and Le Cordon Bleu to study hospitality management and culinary. “I joined CEO in hopes to grow as a person and learn more about the world of business and entrepreneurship. I believe that the skills that are learned in this class can apply to day to day life as well as on my journey to owning and running my own restaurant. Not only is CEO a practical, hands on class it is a great opportunity to make new friends and connections that will help us in our journey to success.”